is an association of more than 50 cultural institutions, museums, libraries, historic sites and houses of worship — all located within walking distance of the Liberty Bell. The purpose of the organization is to encourage cooperative activities and programs among members and to advocate actions that protect and enhance the historic preservation of the neighborhoods surrounding Independence Hall.
- Learn about PHNC by visiting its own website
- Learn about PHNC's Auxiliary Organizations
- Learn about PHNC's Neighborhood
One of PHNC's most recognizable efforts has been the production and distribution of the "Beyond the Bell" brochure. Since it first came out in 1995, over half a million copies have been printed.
This website is dedicated to re-creating the "Beyond the Bell" brochure, so that even more people can enjoy it and benefit from it.
Both the "Beyond the Bell" brochure and this website were designed by, and continue to be maintained, upgraded, and updated by Parallel Design.